A journey towards sustainability with your wines
It is clear the UK dining market is being transformed as the general public are becoming more demanding about the traceability of the food being served at the table in our Restaurants.
It is a good time to revolutionise your wine list by offering your clients a wine list packed full of wines that are either Biodynamic, Organic, sustainably produced, Vegan or Vegetarian friendly or even Foot trodden wines. As reported in Food Navigator Europe in 2022 products which have multiple sustainability qualities such as, Organic and Animal Welfare or Fair trade and Sustainable have a positive impact on the Consumer.

Not only is animal welfare high on the agenda, the sustainability of farming techniques is being brought into question. Red Tractor and RSPCA approved meat production are also being backed up by farms promising environmentally friendly methods of production and having a positive impact of farming on the ecosystem.
The impact of over-fishing by factory ships, bottom trawling, fine net shrimp fishing which results in wasteful by catch and capture of small fish and babies of large fish and plain pollution of our oceans is changing consumers perception of what and how seafood is being either farmed or fished. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is helping to ensure our seas remain a sustainable source of seafood.
Line caught fishing, rope grown mussels, natural oyster beds, pot caught lobsters and crabs minimise wasteful farming techniques and the sustainability of production enable our fisherman to have a year-round income and the management of sea life permit a healthy population of seafood available year in year out.

Wine is not exempt from these trends. It is apparent that the UK restaurant-going consumer is very interested in how and where their food and drink is sourced and produced. At Templar Wines we have seen a large swing to wines that are naturally or sustainably produced. The growing Vegan and Vegetarian populations mean that it is important a significant proportion of our wines are produced using non-animal and non-fish products.
Whilst Organic and Biodynamic wines, cost a little extra to produce, consumers appear happy to pay a small premium, knowing that the wineries are keen on managing their vineyards in a fashion that is sympathetic to the ecosystem, so vineyards, wildlife, birdlife and insects can co-exist.

Currently over 300 of our wines fall into the category of Vegan or Vegetarian friendly, and over 150 fall into Organic, Biodynamic, Sustainably produced or Foot trodden.
On wine lists we produce for our restaurants, all wines are clearly marked if they fall into one of these categories so consumers can make an informed choice to suit.
This means your entire wine list can comprise wines that fall into one of these six categories.
It’s a good time to go organic and Templar Wines is here to help you. Call us on 01202 300331.


Foot Trodden



