Wine Dinners
Creating the perfect wine dinner
One of the pleasurable things we like to do is work closely with your team or chef to create themed Wine dinners. We carefully match the perfect wine to each course or item on a tasting menu.
The themes vary from Dinner to Dinner. Whether based on a Country, a region, a winery or just “the best match!” these dinners are always something special and a talking point both in the run up to the event and after.
We have our favourites, Rioja nights, South African, Argentina steak or classic Bordeaux. We have worked for the last six years with Vins de Bordeaux promoting classic Bordeaux wine and food menus. Whatever the theme, the nights are good fun, can be pitched for light entertainment or education to suit but ultimately it’s down to both of us to let the wine and food do the talking!

We have a team of speakers, wine experts, raconteurs and wine makers who provide the wine and food knowledge and who know just how to present the wines thoughtfully to suit your audience.
After that you provide the venue, the menu and sell the tickets. We co-market the events using Facebook and our database of dedicated foodies to try and maximise attendance at your wine dinner.
Again we fully cost the wine flight to be used at the dinner so the ticket prices represent both excellent value customers and appropriate margin.
We charge nothing for this service, where we are supplying the wine & managing the wine list. It all adds up to great added value support and a good night out